I just looked on here and realize my last post was two weeks ago. Can I tell you what began two weeks ago? BASEBALL SEASON DID! I have three boys and two of them play baseball, so that is where I am like all the I need to get time. I'm reading of course because I take my kindle or a book with me but I just haven't figured a way to blog more. I'm going to make more of an effort though. I have a few reviews I am working on so keep your eyes out for them!
10 hours ago
Good luck! If you find a solution let me know. I'm currently in soccer season (coaching myself) and trying to balance it all! I know scheduling posts helps me. Maybe that will help a little.
Make sure we hear about they're trophies. I love that stuff. :-)
Dalene I know, it's such a struggle. I'm going to try to schedule posts like you mentioned when I have the time because I do have some time, not a whole lot but a little. :) Thanks for the suggestion!
Emaginette absolutely! I can tell you today last night my oldest who is 10 hit a triple! If he had ran faster might have been a homerun! He got the game ball. And middle son hit a double, might have been a triple if the kid in front of him had kept running. :) The soon to be 2 year old is pretty sure he wants to play in two years when he is old enough!
Awww shame there is no free wifi there.
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